Help me my sinuses are killing me! Have you ever said this before?. If your answer is no, you are very lucky. Because every year millions of liras are spent on sinus problems (nasal fullness, headache and runny nose).
Does everyone have sinuses?
Yes, even a newborn baby has sinuses, even if they are very small. These cavities, which are initially pea-sized, are cavities that expand from the inside of the nose into the bones of the face and skull. It continues to grow and expand throughout childhood and young adulthood. They are air pockets. They are covered by the same membrane that covers the inside of the nose and are connected to the nasal cavity by openings the size of a pencil head.
What do the sinuses do?
The sinuses are part of the nasal system, which produces normal secretions (mucus). Normally, the nose and sinuses secrete about half a liter of mucus per day. The mucus produced acts on the nasal cover (mucosa) to sweep and wash away dust particles, bacteria and other airborne particles. This mucus is then filtered back into the throat and swallowed. The particles and bacteria in it are broken down by stomach acid. Many people are not aware of this because it is a normal bodily function.
What does runny nose mean?
Intranasal; Produces more mucus than usual when disturbed by air pollution, allergy-causing substances, smoke, or viruses. This is a clear water-like secretion produced in large quantities in order to wash and remove the allergic substance in the nasal membranes. A watery secretion occurs towards the back of the nose. This is the main cause of backflow. Another type is mucus sticky and thick. This occurs when the airways are too dry and the membranes do not secrete enough fluid. Sticky and viscous mucus is also observed in infections caused by bacteria, and the color of the mucus may be yellow or green due to pus.
What is sinus?
The suffix "-it" refers to infection or inflammation in medicine. Therefore, sinusitis is an infection or inflammation of the sinuses. A typical case of acute sinusitis is caused by excessive mucus secretion as a result of a cold or an allergic attack. The membranes can swell so much that the small openings of the sinuses close. If the air and mucus cannot move freely between the nose and the sinuses, the mucus accumulates in the sinuses and causes the pressure to increase. Depending on which sinus is affected, pain occurs on the face or forehead, between or behind the eyes, in the cheeks and upper teeth. A sinus with a closed outlet and full of mucus is a very suitable environment for the growth of bacteria. If the cold lasts longer than normal and the mucus turns green-yellow or has a strange taste, a possible bacterial infection has developed. Pain in the face and forehead can be very bad in cases of acute sinusitis. In cases where the sinus outlet is closed for a long time, chronic sinusitis develops. Headache is rare, but discharge and bad odor persist. As a result of excessive inflammation, formations called polyps develop. Some cases of sinusitis occur as a result of the infection in the upper tooth passing into the sinus.
Is sinusitis dangerous?
The vast majority of sinusitis cases respond to medical treatment and are not dangerous. However, an infection inside the sinus is very close to both the eye and the brain. It is very rare for the infection to spread to the eye or brain. Mucus flowing from infected sinuses is not healthy for the lungs. Thus, sinusitis; either exacerbate or cause bronchitis, chronic cough, or asthma.
What is the relationship between sinusitis and headache?
A headache that occurs on the face, cheeks, forehead, or around the eyes during a cold, or when the nasal covering is swollen and runny, or when the nose is full of mucus, is probably sinus pain. Sinus infection causes it. Another type of sinus headache occurs when the plane descends to land. This is especially evident if you have a cold or active allergies (this is called a "Vacuum Headache"). Unfortunately, there are many other causes that can be confused with a sinus headache. For example, migraine and other vascular headaches or tension headaches can be confused with sinusitis because they cause pain in the forehead and around the eyes, and they can also cause a runny nose. However, these types of headaches come and go in a short time without the intervention of a doctor. They differ from sinusitis, which lasts long without medical intervention and can only be corrected with antibiotic therapy. However, the occasional headache that causes nausea and vomiting is rather a migraine headache. A doctor should be consulted for the diagnosis of severe, frequent and long-lasting headaches.
Who encounters sinus problem?
In reality, anyone can get a sinus infection, but some groups are more susceptible.
Those with allergies: An allergy attack, like a cold, causes swelling of the mucosa, closure of sinus channels, obstruction of mucus flow, and bacterial infection. Structural nasal disorders that will prevent good breathing and mucus flow: For example, a broken nose or septum deviation (the septum is a cartilage structure that divides the nose into right and left between the nostrils. Its tilting to one side is called deviation.) >Frequent infection exposed: School teachers and health personnel are susceptible. Smokers: Tobacco smoke disrupts the nicotine natural resistance mechanism.
What will the doctor do for my sinuses?
Your doctor will ask you questions about your breathing, the color and smell of your nasal discharge, and what events (time of day or season) cause these symptoms. Be prepared to describe your headache; When and how often, how long it lasts, whether it is associated with nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, or nasal congestion. The otolaryngologist will examine your ear, nose, mouth, teeth, and throat, paying particular attention to the appearance of the mucosa and the nature of the outbreak. He or she will examine the tenderness in your nose. In some cases, an X-ray of your sinuses may be necessary. Treatment will be linked to the diagnosis made by your doctor. Infections may require antibiotic treatment or surgery, sometimes both. Acute sinusitis often responds to antibiotic therapy, while chronic surgery usually requires surgical intervention. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), which has been applied in recent years, is a simple technique applied in the solution of these diseases. The results are quite successful. If the symptoms are due to allergy, migraine or another reason similar to sinusitis, your doctor will apply an alternative treatment plan.