At the entrance of the ear canal, a natural secretion of dark yellow or light brown color is formed by the sebaceous glands in the skin. This epidemic..
Where is the eardrum, what does it do? The eardrum is an airtight, thin membrane, slightly more than one cm in diameter, that separates the mid..
What is Dizziness (Vertigo)? It is the feeling that oneself or one's surroundings are spinning. Vertigo, contrary to popular belief, is not..
Sometimes I hear ringing in my ear, is this normal? Not completely. These sounds in the head are generally called tinnitus and are very common...
Where is the Middle Ear? Ear; It is examined by dividing it into 3 parts as the outer, middle and inner ear. At the end of the outer ear canal ..
What is otoclerosis? Otosclerosis disease can be defined as a decrease in mobility as a result of calcification that occurs at the junction of ..
Facial twitching, weakness or inactivity are signs of a disease involving the facial nerve. Abnormal movements or paralysis on the face may occur due ..
Allergy symptoms begin when the body's immune system responds to a foreign substance (antigen). It does this by sending antibodies to the allergen..
In the treatment of obstructions caused by the enlargement of the lower concha (concha hypertrophy) and usually causing more complaints at night, the ..
What is Septum? The septum is a wall that normally divides the nose into two equal parts inside. It consists of cartilage at the front and a th..
Help me my sinuses are killing me! Have you ever said this before?. If your answer is no, you are very lucky. Because every year millions of liras are..
What is the use of Tonsil and Adenoid? At the beginning of our respiratory and digestive system, there is a lymphoid tissue community called Wa..
What is Snoring and Sleep Apnea? Snoring is an important public health problem. Snore; It is the sound produced by the vibration of the structu..