Labioplasty If the labia minora of the female genitalia is more drooping, larger or asymmetrical than normal, problems such as underwear and swimwear selection, difficulties in some sports activities, embarrassment during sexual intercourse, painful sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse problems are experienced.
Labiaplasty is the solution for our patients who experience loss of self-confidence in the face of such physiological and psychological problems. Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery performed when the lips at the entrance to the vagina are large, drooping or asymmetrical.
The operation takes about 30-45 minutes. After the operation, the patient returns to his normal life immediately, can take a shower two days later, and have sexual intercourse at the end of two weeks. No suture removal is required as self-absorbing sutures are used. Wound healing is rapid due to its very good blood supply. In labiaplasty surgery, there is no trace of the operation when viewed from the outside. Although rare, cases where the large and small lips are not sufficiently developed and thinner than normal are encountered. The biggest reason is the loss of fat ratio in that area that develops due to age. The decrease in estrogen hormone, especially during menopause, can also cause thinning of the large lips. Other causes include the lack of collagen connective tissue, hormonal problems, smoking, frequent exposure to sunlight, chronic itching, frequent masturbation and structural reasons related to the person's own body.
In this case, our patients may experience problems such as dryness and exposure to infections. In such problems, the labia of the patients is thickened with fat injection or fillings, and shrinkage, sagging, discoloration, aging and thinning in the external genital area are eliminated.
In some cases, fat injection or filling can be applied to those who have undergone labiaplasty (inner lip aesthetics) to eliminate the aesthetic problems that develop due to the shortening of the inner lips during the operation and the discomfort due to the appearance of the inside of the vagina from the outside. Thus, our patients are provided with a healthier, happier and higher quality life. The high cost of fillings, the longevity of the procedure being limited to 6-9 months, and the occurrence of allergen reactions in the tissue, albeit rarely, are among the disadvantages. Therefore, it is more appropriate to fill the big lips with fat injections.
After the labia majora fat injection, the adipose tissue, which is given up to 50% in the first 6 months, dissolves spontaneously and disappears. The fact that the fat injection given in the surgery is a little too much will ensure that the remaining amount of fat will be sufficient over time.
Vaginal Narrowing Deformations occur in the vagina due to the natural structure of the vagina, advancing age, stretching and straining of the vagina during normal birth, and auxiliary incisions in birth called episiotomy. The loosening of the vagina and the relaxation of the vaginal muscles cause problems during sexual intercourse. Problems such as not getting pleasure from sexual intercourse and sexual dissatisfaction are solved by vaginal tightening surgery. During the surgery, excess vaginal tissue is removed and the vaginal muscles are tightened. In some cases, it can be done together with perineal aesthetics.
The operation takes an average of 1 hour, the patient can return home on the same day and have sexual intercourse at the end of 2 weeks. As a result of vaginal plastic surgery, our patients' self-confidence increases, they reach sexual satisfaction and they regain their quality sexual life.
Clitoris Aesthetics Kilitoris is the protruding structure where the small lips of the vaginal region meet on the upper side. It is a highly sensitive area because it is the area where the nerves are dense. The clitoris is directly related to the pleasure received during sexual intercourse. If the vaginal lips are drooping and large, excess tissue also occurs on the clitoris. Some individuals may inherit a large clitoris. Excess tissues on the clitoris are an obstacle to achieving sexual pleasure and orgasm.
In clitoris aesthetic surgery, excess tissues in the clitoris are cleaned. Since the presence of excess tissue on the clitoris is also associated with the drooping and large lips of the small lips, it is often combined with labiaplasty surgery. After clitoris aesthetics, our patients achieve a quality sexual life.