There are many possible causes of subjective tinnitus, where the sound is only heard by the patient. Some causes are not bad (for example, a little earwax can cause tinnitus temporarily.)
In addition, there may be more important causes such as infection, perforation of the eardrum, fluid accumulation in the middle ear, and hardening of the joints of the bones in the middle ear.
Tinnitus can also be caused by vasodilation (aneurysm) in the head and neck region or a tumor originating from the nerve that provides balance and hearing (acoustic neuroma). These problems also include hearing loss. Allergy, high or low blood pressure, tumor, diabetes, thyroid problems, blows to the head and neck area and many other causes: some rheumatism drugs, some antibiotics, tranquilizers and aspirin can cause tinnitus.
Treatment for each condition is very different. For this reason, it is very important to check with a specialist doctor and find the real cause of tinnitus.
Tinnitus is most often caused by damage to the ends of the auditory nerves that are small enough to be seen with a microscope. The health of these nerve endings ensures accurate and precise hearing, and any damage to them leads to hearing loss and tinnitus.
With advanced age, some changes occur in the nerve endings and this brings tinnitus. Loud noise is probably the most common cause of tinnitus in today's world and also causes hearing loss. Unfortunately, many people either do not know or care how harmful industrial noise, fire alarms, loud music and other noises are. Listening to loud music with stereo headphones increases the risk even more.
In most cases, there is no specific treatment. If your doctor finds the real cause, the ringing in your ears will disappear as a result of treatment aimed at eliminating it. For this, some x-rays and balance tests may be needed. Despite these, the cause of tinnitus is often not found. Although the cause has not been revealed, in some cases, medications are helpful. There are many drugs used. Usually, the patient is recommended to take medication and is asked if the result is obtained.